One evening when I came home from work, I noticed something very strange. In the kitchen there was a golden amber glow and a warmth that I did not recognize. I thought someone had forgotten to turn off the stove, but that was not the case. I suddenly saw a great fire in the middle of the kitchen table, I stared, of course, wondering what was going on. When the vision slowly disappeared, I discovered that it had come from a letter. The letter was from a book club. I opened the envelope and took out the paper, it said: Shamanic Healing - Alberto Villoldo. I bought the book of course, and read it until the covers fell off, then I started my journey around the medicine wheel of Alberto Villoldo and the school he represents: Healing Light Body School. I was home! All this had its start in 2002.
My interest in people and alternative therapies have always set the direction of my life. It has provided an understanding of the importance of my own inner work, but also the joy and humility of giving support to others on their life journey.
Gradually, I understood the extent of the importance of having a good and comprehensive "toolbox". This is what you can find in my toolbox:
* Frequency medicine, teacher Bram Zaahlberg, Bloesem Remedies, Nederland
* Tibetan facial massage, teacher Chrystal Stokholm LaRasse
* Shamanic healing, teacher Alberto Villoldo and staff, Healing the Light Body School
and 26 years running our health food shop. Not to forget: being a continual student in the school of life where I hope and believe that I learn something every day through both inner and outer journeys.
Welcome to browse further in my pages. Who knows, you might find just what you are looking for!
Eva Uppvall